Thursday, January 29, 2015

Scotty just can't stop lying!


Apparently Scott Paterno just can't help himself and he's just as much of a liar as his brother Jay is!

You'd think you Paterno fanboys would get tired of letting Scott and Jay continually keep pissing on your heads and telling you it's raining!  Oh well.  Stupid is as stupid does, right?

Here's the latest tidbit of knowledge that Scott pulled out of his ass...

Yes, Scott.  You ARE making it up!  LOL

No really...he actually said it!

I'm starting to wonder if the lying is just a congenital thing with those Paterno boys.

So, now that we've shoveled away Scott's massive pile of bullshit, let's take a look at what the actual policy is, shall we?

How to Make a Report
If you are making a report as a mandated reporter pursuant to Pennsylvania law or as a University employee, independent contractor, or volunteer (or both), follow these steps:
  1. If a child is in immediate danger, contact police at 911 to obtain immediate protection for the child.
  2. Immediately make an oral report to the Pennsylvania Department of Human services via ChildLine (1-800-932-0313(23 Pa. C.S. § 6313(a) (1)) or an electronic report using the Child Welfare Portal  Solely informing a supervisor that you suspect abuse is NOT sufficient under this Policy or the law.
  3. Immediately, but in no event later than 48 hours after calling ChildLine (as described in #2 above), prepare and submit a written report utilizing Form CY47, which may be submitted electronically, to theCounty Children and Youth agency where the suspected abuse occurred (23 Pa. C.S. §6313(a)(2)).  If you make an electronic report using the Child Welfare Portal (as described in #2 above), you are not required to submit a Form CY47 to the County Children and Youth Agency.
  4. Whenever an employee, volunteer or independent contractor makes a report, that person shall also make an internal report to the University’s designated agents for purposes of this policy and Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law, pursuant to (23 Pa. C.S.§6311(c)) by immediately sending an email to, attaching the completed Form CY47 (if required, as described in #3 above).  In response to the email, the person making the report will be contacted by University Police Services, Penn State’s Office of Ethics & Compliance, and/or Penn State’s Risk Management Office. All University employees, volunteers, and independent contractors are required to assist the University, to the extent deemed necessary by the University, in gathering factual information related to the report.
  5. Forward any subsequent communication from the Department of Human Services relating to the report to
  6. To the extent provided by law, Penn State will preserve the confidentiality of all child abuse and neglect reports and records to protect the privacy rights of the person making the report. (23 Pa. C.S. §6340).


  1. If you read down to the "immunity from liability" section and then Google on the law cited, you will see that PA had a law in place in 2001 protecting you from liability if you reported suspected child abuse. It was clarified in 2006 or so, but not changed. This floors in the face of the argument that Joe could not report.

  2. The 'legally could not report' argument is specious at best.
    1. Does anybody think McQueary would have declined to call the police if Paterno told him to? No. McQueary was the eye witness.
    2. Does anybody think Sandusky could have successfully sued Paterno (if McQueary had defied Paterno and not called) for calling the police given the 1998 and 2001 incidents? No.

    1. McQueary would have done anything for that program and would've never have jeopardized it without going to Paterno for direction.

      All McQueary needed, and was probably waiting for, was the admonition from Joe to go in either direction A or B.

      'A' was to go to the authorities...
      'B' was for Joe to say 'I'll handle it'.

      And the whole Sandusky suing Paterno is just another load in the steaming pile of excuses for Joe and it's a intentional misdirection from the only valid reason Joe COULDN'T call the authorities...

      It's because Joe knew about 1998 and was actively steering it.

    2. "It's because Joe knew about 1998 and was actively steering it."

      Yes and this is the only viable answer to the question of why Curley changed his plan to report Sandusky to the DPW.

  3. For me, there are two things that I can't get around regarding Paterno, and every time I try to create a scenario in which he deserves the benefit of the doubt, it's these two things that always kill it.

    1. Joe's admission to Lenny Moore that he went to Spanier first.
    2. Joe's follow up with Curley to dissuade him from going to the authorities.

  4. I sent you a message via FB. You can find the document you're looking for (I copyed and pasted it to you there) via Wayback April 23, 1999. Andrea D. Nothing in the document about reporting a sexual crime to a vice president of finance, BTW

  5. What's amazing with the Paterno apologists is the failure to understand the difference between a first hand or eyewitness report vs.a second hand report...
