Thursday, January 29, 2015

Scotty just can't stop lying!


Apparently Scott Paterno just can't help himself and he's just as much of a liar as his brother Jay is!

You'd think you Paterno fanboys would get tired of letting Scott and Jay continually keep pissing on your heads and telling you it's raining!  Oh well.  Stupid is as stupid does, right?

Here's the latest tidbit of knowledge that Scott pulled out of his ass...

Yes, Scott.  You ARE making it up!  LOL

No really...he actually said it!

I'm starting to wonder if the lying is just a congenital thing with those Paterno boys.

So, now that we've shoveled away Scott's massive pile of bullshit, let's take a look at what the actual policy is, shall we?

How to Make a Report
If you are making a report as a mandated reporter pursuant to Pennsylvania law or as a University employee, independent contractor, or volunteer (or both), follow these steps:
  1. If a child is in immediate danger, contact police at 911 to obtain immediate protection for the child.
  2. Immediately make an oral report to the Pennsylvania Department of Human services via ChildLine (1-800-932-0313(23 Pa. C.S. § 6313(a) (1)) or an electronic report using the Child Welfare Portal  Solely informing a supervisor that you suspect abuse is NOT sufficient under this Policy or the law.
  3. Immediately, but in no event later than 48 hours after calling ChildLine (as described in #2 above), prepare and submit a written report utilizing Form CY47, which may be submitted electronically, to theCounty Children and Youth agency where the suspected abuse occurred (23 Pa. C.S. §6313(a)(2)).  If you make an electronic report using the Child Welfare Portal (as described in #2 above), you are not required to submit a Form CY47 to the County Children and Youth Agency.
  4. Whenever an employee, volunteer or independent contractor makes a report, that person shall also make an internal report to the University’s designated agents for purposes of this policy and Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law, pursuant to (23 Pa. C.S.§6311(c)) by immediately sending an email to, attaching the completed Form CY47 (if required, as described in #3 above).  In response to the email, the person making the report will be contacted by University Police Services, Penn State’s Office of Ethics & Compliance, and/or Penn State’s Risk Management Office. All University employees, volunteers, and independent contractors are required to assist the University, to the extent deemed necessary by the University, in gathering factual information related to the report.
  5. Forward any subsequent communication from the Department of Human Services relating to the report to
  6. To the extent provided by law, Penn State will preserve the confidentiality of all child abuse and neglect reports and records to protect the privacy rights of the person making the report. (23 Pa. C.S. §6340).

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Penn State's 2001 reporting requirements...

I had meant this post to be a place to remind us fellow trools, loosers, hatters and idoits of some of the times when levity would occasionally prevail in our discussions.

Given the subject matter of this fight, those times have always been few and far between.  That being said, we'll put the original idea behind this post on the back burner for now and change the topic to something much more important.

An anonymous response to this post brought back to light the 2001 reporting guidelines that existed at Penn State at the time.

Please let me know which one of you hatters found this so that I can give you the appropriate credit that you deserve.  Even better, get your G+ account set up already, damnit!

Here's the post:

"Hey, this was the actual protocol in place in 2001 at Penn State covering sexual assault. It was pointed to by the HR Policy for sexual assault in place in 2001, for specifying reporting requirements. Written for your typical campus sexual assault (coeds) but nothing in there prevents it from applying to the 2001 incident. Covers indecent assault, non-campus students, all ages, all genders.

Check page 6 on mandatory reporting criteria. Two phone numbers to call - campus police and VP for Health Services (the clinic). Directs you to call 24/7.

The version below is for Fall 2001, but the earlier version was in place in 1998 or so. Be interesting for someone to dig up a copy.

Enjoy the read..."

I remember finding this once while rummaging around in the wayback machine at but had lost track of it.

Thank you so much for finding it again!  

The only reason I've started this blog is to record these facts in one place, once and for all, without the incessant moderating and flagging by the kool-aid swilling legions of fundamentalist Church Of Paterno adherents.

It is disturbing and painfully damning, not only to all four conspirators, but also to those who willingly spread lies and misinformation about what Joe should have done.

There were no restrictions on calling the police as some would love for you to believe.  To the contrary, IT WAS ENCOURAGED AS THE FIRST OPTION!

Had Joe actually had been so concerned with procedure, as he, and his family, and the blind legions of Paterno rumpswabs and apologists would have you believe, HE WOULD HAVE FOLLOWED THE ACTUAL UNIVERSITY PROCEDURE AND CALLED THE POLICE AS UNIVERSITY POLICY DICTATED.


PSU Policy on Sexual Assault Reporting by Staff 

In certain circumstances it will be necessary to report incidents of sexual assault to law enforcement authorities and to the chief student affairs officer. Incidents involving the following circumstances will be reported, however, the identity of the victim should not be revealed without written permission: 
  • (1) The presence of any sexual assault-related injuries, visible or reported and would include, but not be limited to, all but the most minor of bruises, contusions, or scratches; 
  • (2) The use of a weapon during the sexual assault; 
  • (3) A sexual assault by a person unknown to a victim; 
  • (4) An incident that warrants the undertaking of additional safety and security measures for the protection of the community.


Monday, January 26, 2015

Like Father, Like Son, Jay knew too...


Like I even have to ask the question.  Of course he did.  How could he not?

In the beginning of this, one question always nagged at me.  How could Jay have not known about Jerry and what happened in 2001?

Finally, In Jay's book, he reveals the following:

"The morning after my father had been fired, I was seated at his desk, and he sat in his robe in another chair looking over at me. The pain, the sleepless nights of the previous days were visible in his face. But he had something he wanted me to know. “Jay, I never told you guys about Jerry because I didn’t know if it was true,” he said. “I certainly couldn’t walk into the office and accuse a guy of something that I didn’t witness or know to be true. I didn’t know that he’d done all of that stuff. I had no idea. I just didn’t know.”

So if you want to believe him (and you're a fool if you do), Jay's first gained knowledge of what Jerry did on November 10, 2011.

Why is this not possible?  Let's start at the beginning.


Joe's statement to Anthony Sassano left no doubt that Mike McQueary sufficiently conveyed to him the fact that Jerry Sandusky was engaged in something inappropriate and sexual with the victim's privates.  

This is a fact.

Joe's own contacts with Tim Curley and possibly Gary Schultz on the next day after speaking to McQueary were sufficient enough to send Gary Schultz running immediately to Wendell Courntey's office where they discussed "Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse" for three hours on a Sunday

Again, this is a fact.  Hell, even Ryan Bagwell whines about it.  Too bad his complaining only reinforces the fact that Joe Paterno knew what was happening in the Lasch Building showers.

With that out of the way, let's move forward, shall we?


Seriously Jay?  You expect us to believe that your Dad wouldn't take the necessary steps TO PROTECT HIS OWN GRANDSONS by giving you a heads up?

This premise strains all possible credulity.  And for Jay to have not thought about this fact as he attempts to back away from his own knowledge about Jerry, shows us that he is either a complete idiot, a compulsive liar, or both.


Again, seriously Jay?  You know about this incident and even claim to have seen the pictures McQueary sent, but you never heard anything about Jerry?

"Both Jay Paterno and my other source, as well as some others not as close to the case, told me that McQueary had recently used a Penn State phone to send naked photos of his penis to a Penn State co-ed (though Jay added the extra “color” that the photos of the red haired McQueary could have also theoretically been of “Ronald McDonald”). They both theorized that this may have made McQueary (who is now apparently in the process of a divorce from his wife) far more willing to give investigators everything they so badly wanted and needed to build a viable case against Sandusky."

Once again, Jay paints himself as the ultimate insider, but one without any knowledge of Jerry!  How convenient.


The Sassano interview took place on October 24, 2011.  Once again, Jay expects us to believe that his own brother, Scott, would have refused to relate to Jay what his father stated in that interview.

Jay, do you really expect us to believe that Scott wouldn't let you in on it?

Even when the time frame is as small as three weeks, Jay's incessant need deny any knowledge and to compulsively lie is truly incredible.


McQueary testified that he had objected to co-workers in and around the facility as to why Sandusky was still allowed on the premises, but he wouldn't identify who they were.

He also testified that the subject would occasionally come up once or twice a year with Joe talking about what a sick guy Sandusky was.

But somehow, Jay expects us to believe that he heard nothing?  Not from Joe, or Scott, or Mike?


Jay Paterno clearly knew.  His high level of knowledge of other 'scandals' in the department renders his lack of knowledge of Jerry to be an impossibility.  That Joe would not tell his own son as a precaution to protect his grandchildren is also an impossibility.  That Scott would remain silent on what his father stated when meeting with Sassano is also an impossibility.  That Mike would discuss this repeatedly with Joe, but never mention it to Jay is also beyond belief.

We know you knew, Jay.

Also, the ADs and coaches at every university also know you knew.  The networks?  They're not stupid either, Jay.  That's why you'll never work again.

We're all just looking forward to the time when you're forced to take the stand in your lawsuit and perjure yourself in court.  Or possibly even having to answer that question during some future debate in one of your future failed campaign runs.

As you'll find out in due time, Jay, being a complete idiot and a compulsive liar is a regrettable combination.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Jim Clemente...The world's foremost child abuse shill...

Obviously Jim hasn't read the Sassano interview.  Maybe Scotty can clue him in since he was there?

Signs, signs, everywhere a sign...

Q and A with a JoeBot

According to this letter at PennLive, Thom Kupchinsky is a little confused.

Maybe we can help Thom see the light.  Fire away Thom, what's on your mind?

"Why were the sanctions not rescinded? (There is a BIG difference between repealing and rescinding.)"
Because they weren't.
"Why was PSU not vindicated of any wrongdoing?"
Because it can't be.
"Why are we still giving $60 million to supposedly administer child sexual abuse initiatives?"
Because you're still paying the fine.  
"Why do we still need the Athletic Integrity Agreement?"
Because 9/32s of your alumni don't get it.
"Why do we still have to pay George Mitchell for overseeing that agreement?"
Because no one trusts Penn State to do the right thing if left to its own devices.
"Why do we still, as if we ever did, need Julie A. Del Giorno as the Athletics Integrity Officer?"
The question itself proves the necessity of the position.
"Why is the NCAA President & Execute Committee Head still bellowing that the settlement was not an acknowledgement of the NCAA wrongdoing and/or overreaching their jurisdiction?"
Because it wasn't.  In his rush to find a microphone and pat himself on the back, Jake forgot to relay that part.
"How will we get absolution from NCAA and public?"
You never will.
"When/how will we learn the truth of what went on during the consent degree negotiations?"
Once you accept what Penn State did, and only then, will you finally realize that that isn't the most important thing you need to find out.

Brief commentary on the Sassano interview

I've always been amazed at the lack of intellectual honesty when it comes to Joe's interview with agent Anthony Sassano of the AG's office.

Right from the beginning, Joe acknowledges the report from McQueary and makes it clear that he knew Sandusky was doing something sexual.

"Mike McQueary came and said he was in the shower and that Jerry Sandusky was in the shower with another person, a younger, how young I don’t know and Mike never mentioned it, that there was some inappropriate sexual activity going on. We didn’t get in to what the inappropriate action was, but it was inappropriate. And that’s how I knew about it."

Joe's supporters like to say that Mike never told Joe what was happening.  That clearly isn't the case.

Joe continues... "Well he, well he, to be frank with you it was a long time ago, but I think as I recall he said something about touching."

"Touching.. whatever you want to call them, privates, whatever it is."

Next, Joe destroys any possibility of the horseplay theory coming from him.
SASSANO: Okay, the key element is, do you remember if you told Mr. Curley whether in person or over the phone, that McQueary witnessed a sexual incident between Sandusky and a boy?
J. PATERNO: To my knowledge yes I think Tim was aware of the fact that Mike had been a.. had seen this inappropriate action.
SASSANO: Sexual action?
J. PATERNO: Well yea, I guess you’d call it sexual.

And then...

SASSANO: Okay, so now it’s quite clear to Mike so, oh I’m sorry, to Mr. Curley. So if Mr. Curley would have told us some…
J. PATERNO:  I can only tell that he was.. it was transmitted to him that there was inappropriate action. To what degree I didn’t, I never asked Mike. All I know was that it was basic.. it was something we would probably take, uh, probably call sexual. What Tim got out of it I have no way of knowing. But Tim was aware of the fact that we felt we had a problem.

So Mike knew, Joe knew, Tim knew and Gary knew given the fact that he spent 3 hours with Wendell Courtney on a Sunday "re: Suspected Child Abuse".

Sound like horseplay to you?  Me neither.

SASSANO: And do you know what happened after that with regards to Mr. McQueary and/or Mr. Curley?
SASSANO: Did Mr. Curley get back to you at some point in time after that to advise you what actions were taken…
J. PATERNO: No, no, I didn’t, I had other things to do, we had… As I said, Jerry was not working for me.

Hey...Joe was busy ya' know...  Had to fly to Pittsburgh to pick up an award.  Induction into the Pittsburgh Hall of Fame sponsored by Dapper Dan Charities for kids sports.  How nauseatingly ironic and pathetic.

Next, Scott gets knee deep in the action, yet Scott doesn't seem to remember much about this interview at all...I guess his memory is worse than Joe's supposedly was.

SASSANO: Subsequent to Mr. McQueary coming to you and you advising Mr. Curley of this inappropriate sexual action, whatever that maybe..
J. PATERNO: Mr. Curley did not come to me, I went to Mr. Curley, I got in touch..
S. PATERNO: You misheard what he said, he said Mr. McQueary came to you.
S. PATERNO: He said Mr. McQueary came to you.
S. PATERNO: You misheard him
J. PATERNO: He did not come to me.
S. PATERNO: Mike McQueary.
J. PATERNO: Ohhh, McQueary, I thought you said Curley.
S. PATERNO: Not Curley. He’s not used to hearing Mike called Mr. McQueary.

Yeah...who could remember an exchange like that?  Right Scott?

I wonder if Joe would be so kind to tell us what Mike said?  Hey we're in luck!  He is!

J. PATERNO: No no no. Mike McQueary. Mike McQueary saw it on a Friday, came over here and sat at the very table we’re doing this interview, alright, and was very upset. I said what’s your problem and he said I saw something yesterday, I was in the shower, I was in the locker room, Jerry Sandusky was taking a shower with a person. And he said they were doing things that, ya know, and I never got in to know hey what did he do, did he do this, did he do that, but obviously there was a sexual kind of activity. I said hey Tim we got to let the other people know because I have no responsi… I have no authority over Jerry.

Thanks for confirming that you knew it was sexual, Joe.

SASSANO: Did any police department ever get ahold of you about this?
SASSANO: Did anybody from the University, well, anybody from the University Police Department contact you?
J. PATTERNO: Well, not till ten years later.

Imagine that.  But you sure knew what they wanted to talk about.  Right Joe?

Next Joe praises Mike and his trustworthiness.

SASSANO: Coach, how long have you known Mike McQueary?
J. PATERNO: Since he was a high school kid.
SASSANO: And you’ve known him for a long number of years now, correct?
J. PATERNO: I would, he played for me, played for Penn State is what I should say, he.. when he graduated from high school he came here, what year he got out of high school I can’t say..
SASSANO: Okay, but you’ve known him for quite a number of years.
J. PATERNO: Oh, yea,
ASSANO: He’s been on your staff for a long period of time.
J. PATERNO: Twelve, fifteen years probably.
SASSANO: Do you know him to be a trustworthy individual?
J. PATERNO: Absolutely.
SASSANO: If he came and told you something
J. PATERNO: Absolutely..
SASSANO: Would you automatically believe it?
J. PATERNO: Absolutely. He was very upset when I…
SASSANO: Knowing him as you know him, and dealing with stress and pressure like he does in his system, do you know him to be one that over-reacts or does he appropriately handle that and report the same thing?
J. PATERNO: Well, he’s a competitor, a fiery guy in that sense. But I can’t, in his relationship with people I don’t remember him over-reacting. Once in a while with one of his players he’ll foul up and he’ll, and I’ll have to say, you know, are you sure he’s the guy, and you know that kind of thing. But in something like that I don’t think I’ve ever seen him overreact.
SASSANO: In your appraisal of him then if he was upset about something it would be for an appropriate reason, correct?
J. PATERNO: It was legitimate. It was legitimate.
SASSANO: It was what?
J. PATERNO: He would have been legitimately upset.

Final analysis:

Mike did tell him.  Joe knew.  Joe did nothing because he had other things to collect an award from a children's charity.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Complete Sassano Interview

The date is 10/24/11; time 12:17 p.m., interview of coach Joseph Vincent Paterno, 830 North McKee Street, State College, PA. Scott Paterno is here representing his father. Randy Feathers is also present.
SASSANO: Coach are you aware that this statement is being taped and do you give me permission to tape this statement?
SASSANO: Did Mike McQueary, some years ago, come to you, report to you an incident that he observed in the shower between Jerry Sandusky and another individual most likely a young boy.
J. PATERNO: Yes he did.
SASSANO: Okay, and can you tell me what Mike McQueary told you please.
J. PATERNO: Mike McQueary came and said he was in the shower and that Jerry Sandusky was in the shower with another person, a younger, how young I don’t know and Mike never mentioned it, that there was some inappropriate sexual activity going on. We didn’t get in to what the inappropriate action was, but it was inappropriate. And that’s how I knew about it.
SASSANO: So he did not elaborate to you what this sexual activity was, only that he witnessed some sexual activity between Sandusky and a young boy?
J. PATERNO: Well he, well he, to be frank with you it was a long time ago, but I think as I recall he said something about touching.
SASSANO: Touching?
J. PATERNO: Touching.. whatever you want to call them, privates, whatever it is.
SASSANO: Okay, could he have said there was something more? An actual sex act?
J. PATERNO: He never said that.
SASSANO: Okay. Subsequent to that conversation with Mike, you took some appropriate action, correct?
J. PATERNO: Yea, I did because I felt, again, at that time Jerry Sandusky was not working for me.
SASSANO: Correct.
J. PATERNO: Jerry had retired from the coaching staff two or three years earlier. So I didn’t feel it was my responsibility to make any kind of a decision as to what to do with him, so I called our athletic director, I told him that Mike McQueary had something that he probably ought to share with him.
SASSANO: Okay, did you tell him that over the phone or did you have a meeting in person here at your house?
J. PATERNO: No, I told him over the phone.
SASSANO: Did you have a subsequent meeting at your house?
J. PATERNO: Oh gez, I don’t know, we.. he’s been over here, he comes over here for a lot of different reasons and something may have come up during our, he may have come over about a football schedule, he may have come over about something else and in the process we may have gotten in to it, I can’t say absolutely no and I can’t tell you I remember doing it.
SASSANO: Okay, the key element is, do you remember if you told Mr. Curley whether in person or over the phone, that McQueary witnessed a sexual incident between Sandusky and a boy?
J. PATERNO: To my knowledge yes I think Tim was aware of the fact that Mike had been a.. had seen this inappropriate action.
SASSANO: Sexual action?
J. PATERNO: Well yea, I guess you’d call it sexual. I don’t .. he had a, yea.
SASSANO: Okay, so now it’s quite clear to Mike so, oh I’m sorry, to Mr. Curley. So if Mr. Curley would have told us some…
J. PATERNO: Now I can’t, I can’t tell you it was exactly clear to Mr. Curley you’d have to ask him. I can only tell that he was.. it was transmitted to him that there was inappropriate action. To what degree I didn’t, I never asked Mike. All I know was that it was basic.. it was something we would probably take, uh, probably call sexual. What Tim got out of it I have no way of knowing. But Tim was aware of the fact that we felt we had a problem.
SASSANO: And do you know what happened after that with regards to Mr. McQueary and/or Mr. Curley?
SASSANO: Did Mr. Curley get back to you at some point in time after that to advise you what actions were taken…
J. PATERNO: No, no, I didn’t, I had other things to do, we had… As I said, Jerry was not working for me.
J. PATERNO: So I felt that I had done, I’ve asked Mike to, Mike had come to me not knowing what to do. He explained what his, what his dilemma was. I said okay. I said we got to go up the ladder. I made sure Curley knew that there was a problem and then that was it. Until all of the sudden ten years later or eight years later people are asking me what happened. But prior to that you know that was…. Jerry was not part of our activities. He wasn’t, there was no need for me to go around in any way.
SASSANO: Subsequent to Mr. McQueary coming to you and you advising Mr. Curley of this inappropriate sexual action, whatever that maybe..
J. PATERNO: Mr. Curley did not come to me, I went to Mr. Curley, I got in touch..
S. PATERNO: You misheard what he said, he said Mr. McQueary came to you.
S. PATERNO: He said Mr. McQueary came to you.
S. PATERNO: You misheard him
J. PATERNO: He did not come to me.
S. PATERNO: Mike McQueary.
J. PATERNO: Ohhh, McQueary, I thought you said Curley.
S. PATERNO: Not Curley. He’s not used to hearing Mike called Mr. McQueary.
J. PATERNO: No no no. Mike McQueary. Mike McQueary saw it on a Friday, came over here and sat at the very table we’re doing this interview, alright, and was very upset. I said what’s your problem and he said I saw something yesterday, I was in the shower, I was in the locker room, Jerry Sandusky was taking a shower with a person. And he said they were doing things that, ya know, and I never got in to know hey what did he do, did he do this, did he do that, but obviously there was a sexual kind of activity. I said hey Tim we got to let the other people know because I have no responsi… I have no authority over Jerry.
SASSANO: Subsequent, to that you’re saying Mr. Curley never got back to you, correct, to advise you?
J. PATTERNO: There was no need to get back.
SASSANO: Did any police department ever get ahold of you about this?
SASSANO: Did anybody from the University, well, anybody from the University Police Department contact you?
J. PATTERNO: Well, not till ten years later.
J. PATTERNO: All of the sudden this thing was…I got a telephone call saying hey you’re going to get subpoenaed. I said about what.
SASSANO: Okay, and just so, I don’t think I asked you this, the alleged inappropriate sexual behavior that occurred, where did Mike tell you, and you’re saying in the shower or locker room, what building?
J. PATERNO: The Lasch Building where we are.
SASSANO: The Lasch, basically the complex, the football complex, basically,
J. PATERNO: The football complex.
SASSANO: Where all the brain trust, the offices are, the work-out room and stuff like that.
J. PATERNO: The weight room is and our academic support center is and all that.
SASSANO: Coach, how long have you known Mike McQueary?
J. PATERNO: Since he was a high school kid.
SASSANO: And you’ve known him for a long number of years now, correct?
J. PATERNO: I would, he played for me, played for Penn State is what I should say, he.. when he graduated from high school he came here, what year he got out of high school I can’t say..
SASSANO: Okay, but you’ve known him for quite a number of years.
J. PATERNO: Oh, yea,
ASSANO: He’s been on your staff for a long period of time.
J. PATERNO: Twelve, fifteen years probably.
SASSANO: Do you know him to be a trustworthy individual?
J. PATERNO: Absolutely.
SASSANO: If he came and told you something
J. PATERNO: Absolutely..
SASSANO: Would you automatically believe it?
J. PATERNO: Absolutely. He was very upset when I…
SASSANO: Knowing him as you know him, and dealing with stress and pressure like he does in his system, do you know him to be one that over-reacts or does he appropriately handle that and report the same thing?
J. PATERNO: Well, he’s a competitor, a fiery guy in that sense. But I can’t, in his relationship with people I don’t remember him over-reacting. Once in a while with one of his players he’ll foul up and he’ll, and I’ll have to say, you know, are you sure he’s the guy, and you know that kind of thing. But in something like that I don’t think I’ve ever seen him overreact.
SASSANO: In your appraisal of him then if he was upset about something it would be for an appropriate reason, correct?
J. PATERNO: It was legitimate. It was legitimate.
SASSANO: It was what?
J. PATERNO: He would have been legitimately upset.
SASSANO: Okay. Do you have anything you wish to add to this statement?
J. PATERNO: (laughing) I hope it’s the last one.
SASSANO: Okay, Scott Paterno, Attorney Scott Paterno, do you have anything you wish to add to this statement?

Coming Soon...

A breakdown of Joe's now infamous Sassano interview and what the Paterno boys don't want you to know....

A special 'Hello' to Ed Mastrovich

Before we go any farther, I'd like to identify someone whose crassness and hatred of abuse victims surpasses anyone I've seen on the internet.

This special shout out goes to Ed Mastrovich of McKeesport, PA.

Looking good, Ed.
Ed's wardrobe malfunction.

It took us a while to figure out who you were Ed, but it was only a matter of time.

Here's some of Ed's more timeless quotes on PennLive before he figured out how not to get banned...

"No "rape" ever took place."
"There was no "rape" only in the minds of trolls and the uneducated."
"I don't begrudge a real victim either. But these stories were pure BS."
"There was no "rape". Link your proof thre was rape."
"Who was "raped" when and where, Mr.MultiAccount. Link some proof."
"Lewis still insists there was a rape, when there was none."
"There was no rape...Just your made up trash."
"None of these alleged assaults were ever proven to have taken place..."
"Penn State was suckered into paying out millions by sham artists..."
"No proof any victims were abused..."
"No rape ever occurred."
"The "victims" were known to have conspired with each other to get their stories straight."
"Soon...these hoboes will be broke, and back in the gutter they slithered out of."

Yes, this is Ed Mastrovich in all his victim attacking glory.

Feel free to contact Ed and let him know how awesome he is.

Ed resides at 1158 Portsmouth Dr. in McKeesport, PA 15133 and can be reached at (412) 896-6097.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Just so you know...

I never hated Paterno.

In fact, I revered him.  99% of us that have railed against Paterno and the cabal of enablers who allowed Sandusky to perpetrate his reign of terror upon the children of State College felt the same way.

And if you didn't like Paterno, at the very least, you had to respect him.

Many have accused us of wanting to pin the whole thing on Joe.  This isn't true.

I find all of the following to be equally responsible as the following in enabling Sandusky's crimes:

Dottie Sandusky
Gary Schultz
Graham Spanier
Tim Curley
Joe Paterno
John Seasock
Ray Gricar
Wendell Courtney
Mike McQueary
John McQueary
Jonathan Dranov
Pennsylvania Children and Youth Services
Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
and many more.

In general, most agree with me, and those that don't may find certain ones more or less culpable.

This isn't about football or some imaginary pissing contest between Pitt and Penn State.

This is about young men who have had their lived ruined by a monster, and the weasels/cowards who were more than comfortable with allowing it to happen.


Time to begin!

It's time to run down the facts regarding Joe Paterno and Penn State's administrators and what they knew regarding Jerry Sandusky.

These are facts.  The cannot be shouted down or removed by moderators with less than credible motives.

You can't ban or moderate the truth away.  It is what it is.  Deal with it.

Judas Shuttlesworth