Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A special 'Hello' to Ed Mastrovich

Before we go any farther, I'd like to identify someone whose crassness and hatred of abuse victims surpasses anyone I've seen on the internet.

This special shout out goes to Ed Mastrovich of McKeesport, PA.

Looking good, Ed.
Ed's wardrobe malfunction.

It took us a while to figure out who you were Ed, but it was only a matter of time.

Here's some of Ed's more timeless quotes on PennLive before he figured out how not to get banned...

"No "rape" ever took place."
"There was no "rape" only in the minds of trolls and the uneducated."
"I don't begrudge a real victim either. But these stories were pure BS."
"There was no "rape". Link your proof thre was rape."
"Who was "raped" when and where, Mr.MultiAccount. Link some proof."
"Lewis still insists there was a rape, when there was none."
"There was no rape...Just your made up trash."
"None of these alleged assaults were ever proven to have taken place..."
"Penn State was suckered into paying out millions by sham artists..."
"No proof any victims were abused..."
"No rape ever occurred."
"The "victims" were known to have conspired with each other to get their stories straight."
"Soon...these hoboes will be broke, and back in the gutter they slithered out of."

Yes, this is Ed Mastrovich in all his victim attacking glory.

Feel free to contact Ed and let him know how awesome he is.

Ed resides at 1158 Portsmouth Dr. in McKeesport, PA 15133 and can be reached at (412) 896-6097.


  1. you know what is funny? Ed Mastrovich seems to have been rational at one point:


    Gee, I wonder how that happened?

  2. Who can refuse an invite like that? I'm sure someone will be happy to chat with you Ed!

  3. Here's one for you. You and others are under surveillance and being monitored for providing false identity information; for promulgating harassment by communications to persons not who you identify them as; for loading trojans, viruses and malware via false internet action, including this blog/site.

    Keep it up. A knock at the door is coming.

    1. Knock Knock...
      Who's there...
      Dumbass who?

    2. I think you hit a nerve there :-)

    3. This Ed Mastrovich guy writes like he was trained by the North Korean Ministry of Truthiness. That and he displays the same contempt for the vulnerable that the North Koreans do.

  4. Is that John Tratur of midriff fame?

    1. Gay disco meets the shooting range.

    2. In Ed Mastrovich's infamous Tratur midriff pic, it looks like he is holding an M3 submachine gun. You need a Class 3 Federal Firearms License to own one of those. I wonder if Ed Mastrovich is legal?

    3. Speaking of gay discos...

  5. I suspect Lubrano believes much of the above as well. Sad state of affairs there.

  6. He could have a career in modelling........for posters located in jockey's bathrooms right before weigh-ins. Puke loves company.

  7. Ed was using this ID on PL today: mrjoeteepis. The mods vanquished that ID in short order. I think his IP address may be on their naughtly list.

    1. I think Ed went through a few today...

      mrjoeteepis, jonboyjj, wheresjoe...

  8. Ed is upset. He complained over at the Penn Live 'why was my post deleted thread':


    Ed using jimbonicoll, "Why do you continue to ban anything pro=PSU while allowing known trolls and haters to run rampant? Andrea DiMaggio and Phlegathon spam daily. There is no DiMaggio which was banned on FaceBook. It's JJ and everyone knows it."

    I responded, "HI Ed. Rough day yesterday?"

    1. Nice!

      His paranoia is running rampant. We're so deep in between Ed's ears he should charge us rent.

      Over on Rivals, Ed, aka "pnnylion", is always the first to run under Tom McAndrews skirt and anyone he doesn't know is automatically JJ.

    2. I should sign up on Rivals and torment him some more, but it does feel a bit unfair to pick on somebody I suspect is mentally ill (disclaimer: I am not a doctor) .

      Then again, he is horrible to the victims with his posts.

    3. Nahhhh...go pick on him. You're better at not getting banned than I am.

    4. Well, to be honest I am River_Phlegethon4 on Penn Live. I shall sign up on Rivals this weekend.

    5. Ed has not been active on the Blue and White Message Board in recent days, according to the posters there. There is speculation that he might have been banned. Many of them express the contempt for him that you do, Judas.

    6. I was wondering if that would ever happen.

      McAndrews' willingness to ban a dissenter without hesitation goes without saying and he has always given Ziegler a platform to squawk from.

      For him to actually silence one of the zealots would be remarkable.

  9. Tell shitbreath Jacobs, spamming that "Jeffrey Imm" shit isn't going to work. I nailed him when the stupid fuck spammed the same letter in 4 different cities and used the same name, and claimed he was from all 4 places.

    He's as stupid as the rest of you morons. Stupider.

    1. You're as entertaining and as paranoid as ever, Ed!

    2. I'm not even sure who this "Jeffrey Imm" is.

      Ed needs help.

    3. Jeffery Imm is one of the many voices in Ed's head.

    4. Don't you mean stooopider, tranny lover?

  10. Hey there Ed Mastrovich, aka, John Tratur, why did you make all those horrible comments about Sandusky's victims? Are you a member of NAMBLA? Do you really thing the midriff pic is flattering?

  11. Here's something. Sounds like Ed was denied admittance to a nursing program...


  12. Whew! Lot's of angst on Penn Live today. I bet duct tape sales were through the roof in Central Pennsylvania Gothic today. Ed must have gone through 6 user names today alone.

    Just a thought...Jerry was a DB coach when Ed was there. Is it possible Ed and Jerry knew each other? That could explain his hatred for the real victims.

    1. Very possible! Also, Graham Spanier was of one Ed's professors.

  13. Ed deserves everything he gets . I personally was going to press charges but got a little busy . But law enforcement is aware of him.

  14. Ed has harassed many and deserves what he gets.

  15. Ed doesn't own his own home. Diane (same surname) bought it for $1 in 1997. Looks like a quick deed transfer.

    1. That's a bit old. Diane has kicked Ed out and gone back to her maiden name, Diane Evanchak. My guess is, she discovered Ed was pending too much time of Fifth Street while also discovering his predilection for Shemale pornography (he was busted on several sites where he was a member). Son Eliot is still living with 53-year old mom, while 63-year old Ed it renting a bungalow down the hill.

      Ed has never liked me. And that was before I outed his identity late last year. Curiously, all Ed's investigating, stalking and violent threats ended at precisely the same time.

      Ed leads a fascinating life. He blew a .16 three years ago on the way back from from Fifth St, but still pretends he's in LE and refers to others as drunks.

    2. That area is a nasty part of Pittsburgh. Strip clubs and adult video/bookstores. I wonder if he ever picked up a tranny at the adult video place?

  16. Looks like Ed got himself banned. It was something to do with harassing Andrea again:
    "We are closing the comments on this post. The commenter in question has been banned." - Megan Lavey-Heaton
    - every single comment reduced to disassociated electrons.
    I wonder if he got the Atomic Ban?

  17. He got another ban on BWI yesterday and is now back as "pbrstreetgang".

  18. It's a shame this was not kept up. :(
